Thursday, January 10, 2008

Travelers' Tale

Buku ringan yang unik untuk dibaca....sayangnya untuk beberapa orang (yang katanya juga baca) terlalu lompat2, nggak runut, ato....nggak jelas deh ceritanya... Yaaaa...... buat gue sih lumayan menghibur juga sih..... di waktu sibuk di kantor, istirahat sambil bace buku ini lumayan bikin hahaha...hihihi...Tapi yang paling bikin syirik sih...cerita2 di berbagai negara nya itu loh......jadi pengen backpacker-an....secara udah ada Auli gitu...yang ada sih koper-an deh!!!! hehehehehe.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ngomong-ngomong masalah travelingnihh ibu theralea,..

mari yuk kemari kunjungi web:

ini business model baru gw heuehuehu, me and partner working together to establish this project. safir senduk bilang "sapa bilang karyawan ga bisa kaya?"

the idea of this project is to sharing the ambience of travelingwithin indonesia.

the experience to get there within the cheapest way. bener2 how to get there, experiences journalism look a like. trus, many exotic places which actually we-the indonesian- actuially neverinformed yet, then we let you know then, again with the experience. somtin as if you are reading a potter, we would like to share the exact experience by our journalists.

my main target market.. well actually expatriate. with the 2008 indonesia visit year mainstream nowadays.

actually this my business project, in IPMI. no offence- when im thinking schools some times to many talks rather then the walks it self, i convince mine, that without it, i believe i can make my project true.. became the real business.. i see my mba as an entrance without terminations hahahaha.. pretty damn ass..